Nov 16, 2009

The importance of our bodies

English review:

As a woman who knows how incredibly important it is for every woman to feel comfortable and secure with their bodies and physical appearance, I am aware of the latest laser treatments to remove any physical problems that we may have such as veins with some circulation problems.

Keeping this in mind, I would personally advise you all to have a look at this helpful website where you may read everything you need to know about these treatments so that you can feel confident and comfortable once again! Moreover, it will probably boost your relationship with your husband or with your children because you will be able to move with much more ease after you successful recover from your problems with “varices”. Furthermore, “varices” tend to affect your overall physical appearance so if you want to correct them before the next summer arrives and makes it mandatory for you to go to the beaches, then you definitely should contact “Corporacion Dermoestetica” and set your free consult by using the following phone number: 902 25 25 25.

So, if you have been looking for the best and most reliable treatments for any physical disease that you may have that can be cured with laser technology, then I would definitely say that you are just one click away from finding the best solution for any problems related to “varices” that you may have.

Spanish review:

Como una mujer que sabe lo increíblemente importante que es para toda mujer sentirse cómoda y segura con su cuerpo y su apariencia física, yo estoy siempre informada sobre los últimos tratamientos de láser para eliminar los problemas físicos que las mujeres pueden tener como por ejemplo varices.

Teniendo esto en cuenta, yo personalmente le aconsejo a todas a echar un vistazo a este sitio web útil donde usted puede leer todo lo que necesita saber acerca de estos tratamientos para que usted pueda sentirse segura y cómoda de nuevo con su cuerpo. Por otra parte, esto probablemente impulsará la relación con su marido o con sus hijos porque usted será capaz de moverse con mucha más facilidad después del éxito de recuperarse de sus problemas con várices. Además, las várices tienden a afectar su apariencia física en general por lo que si las desea corregir antes de que el próximo verano llegue, entonces definitivamente debe ponerse en contacto "Corporación Dermoestética" y establecer su libre consulta mediante el siguiente número de teléfono: 902 25 25 25.

Así pues, si usted ha estado buscando los tratamientos mejores y más confiables para cualquier enfermedad física que puede tener que puede ser curada con la tecnología láser, entonces me lo diría que está a sólo un clic de distancia de encontrar la mejor solución para cualquier problema relacionados con várices que usted pueda tener.

Traveling to foreign destinations without speaking the local language

When you travel all around the world, do you often try to learn the local language so that you can comunicate with the locals a lot better? Would you say that it is part of the adventure and something that you love doing? Well, it may not seem the case with Britons as you may discover by reading the article just below:

" Britons love to travel to exotic destinations, but don't expect them to speak the local lingo, a new study reveals.

The survey by online travel service showed that more than half of Brits going abroad on holiday refuse to embrace local languages.

More than one in 10 of the 2,012 respondents said that they felt there was no point in learning foreign languages as everyone speaks English anyway.

Although 16 percent of tourists are still happy to holiday in foreign-speaking destinations nearly two-thirds (62 percent), were embarrassed by their inability to speak another language.

Some 45 percent of respondents said locals have acted negatively toward them because they don't make the effort to communicate in the local language. Despite this negative attitude toward Brits, only 4 percent of those surveyed said their ideal holiday would be in an English-speaking country.

French was revealed to be the most widely spoken language with over a quarter of respondents (27 percent) saying they could speak enough to order a meal or hire a car.

One in three respondents over the age of 60 proved they are more inclined than their younger counterparts to speak French and tourists from Northern Ireland (36 percent) topped the league table as the most linguistically savvy.

The under-20s group was found to be the best equipped to cope with foreign languages, with more than half saying they can speak a second language.

“Although the survey may appear to show Brits in a disappointing light, there are some encouraging signs that British holidaymakers want to make more of an effort when abroad but simply lack the confidence,” travel expert Bob Atkinson said.

“For those who do make the effort the result can prove invaluable when confirming travel plans or asking for directions.”
