When considering what you would like to see changed in the USA, what would first come to your mind? Personally, I believe that enjoying more free weeks is definitely what sounds best for me and that's exactly what Switzerland seems to deffent too as you may see on the msnbc.com article below:
BERN, Switzerland - Work got you down? Just take more vacation.
That's the idea behind a referendum that Swiss citizens will have a chance to vote on after a campaign group collected 125,000 signatures demanding a minimum of six weeks paid vacation each year.
The group, Travail.Suisse, says the minimum needs to be raised from the current four weeks of holiday because stress at the workplace has risen dramatically in recent years.
It called Tuesday for more investment in health and recuperation from the rigors of labor. It said more vacation days would enhance the productivity and motivation of workers.
A date for the vote has yet to be announced.