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Feb 15, 2009
How the Internet may change your life...
Would you love to visit Las Vegas?

Las Vegas, the city of all sins and the city where anyone can really have a great time seems to be facing some problems these days as tourism is also affected by the current financial crisis. In fact, more and more people are willing to travel to this city as prices tend to get more accessible. Below, you may read an review and take your own conclusions:
LAS VEGAS - Sin City is worried that its well-honed style is crimping its business.
Born of carefully crafted slogans — "What happens here stays here" — and smiling, sequined showgirls, the image of a 24-hour adult Disneyland with free-flowing booze and casino chips is making the tourist destination seem radioactive to companies keen on not appearing frivolous as they seek government bailouts.
In the past two weeks, at least four major companies canceled meetings worth hundreds of thousands of dollars — not because of costs but because of appearances. Even President Barack Obama questioned the propriety of flying off to Las Vegas if taxpayers were helping foot the bill.
Tourism officials, already nervous after watching meeting and convention attendance decline 5 percent in 2008, are challenging the impression that business meetings are wasteful — especially those conducted under the neon lights of Las Vegas."It's necessary, for us to thrive in this community, that folks come here and realize that this is not some stepchild," Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said. "This is a very important place for people to conduct very important business."
Goodman — who often appears at functions with a showgirl at each arm — sent a letter this week to Obama objecting to his remarks.
The importance of surveys
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