When you look to your daily leisure activities, I am sure that one of them is definitely sending e-mails to your friends, right? Well, there are also many cases where people also tend to write e-mails as part of their career. Anyway, wouldn’t you love to be able to write a 500 word e-mail in 5 minutes? If you do, then read the real story below…
Hello my name is Brett Bumeter and I write about Dragon NaturallySpeaking quite a bit. I've been writing reviews at softduit.com for a couple years now, and I wanted to share with you some insights into this great video that Drew from the benspark.com blog has put together on YouTube.
Drew just recently started using Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and this is one of the first videos that he's done with the product. Today, you can train Dragon NaturallySpeaking in about seven minutes. So almost immediately out of the box, you can start transcribing your words into text, and that's just amazing!
The software is extremely fast and can enable you to type at 150 words per minute. That can save you a significant amount of time and energy, and I wanted to point out this aspect of it because you can kind of see it in the video. Not only is Drew speaking in a natural voice and at a natural rate of speed, but you can actually see Drew composing the words that he's going to say as he speaks them.
When you watch this video you can see that Drew is looking to the right just a little bit as he thinks of each sentence that he's going to say. Dragon NaturallySpeaking makes you use a part of the brain that you're not necessarily used to using because you typically write with your fingers on a keyboard or with a pen and pencil. When we type we use a different section of our brains than we do when we speak. We even use a different segment of our brains when we write with a pen or a pencil.
So when you first start using Dragon NaturallySpeaking, you will learn how to compose with your brain. We learn to think of the words that we're going to say and then say them. With Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 those words can be transcribed at such a fast rate of speed(about as fast as you can talk).
The benefits of the program are immense, as they enable us to type so much faster than we can with our fingers. The average person can type 2 to 3 times faster with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. This saves us a great deal of time as we complete e-mails and messages and articles and documents two to three times faster. This gives us more time to proof read our documents and ensure that they are absolutely fantastic, and it can enable us more time to do other work, or even spend time with our family or the people that are important to us.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is relatively inexpensive, and right now, through this article that you are reading, you can receive an exclusive discount of 25% off with an exclusive Coupon code and link with prices that starts at $75 after discount! Then you can join Drew and I and start typing at 150 words per minute too!
If you type 20 e-mails a day, and you type at a speed of approximately 50 words per minute in your e-mails that are say, 200 words long each, that means that your e-mails will take you four minutes to write. At 20 e-mails a day, that's 80 minutes spent writing e-mail. With Dragon NaturallySpeaking, you could write those same e-mails at 150 words per minute, or approximately a minute and 20 seconds per e-mail and finish all of your e-mails in about 26 minutes. That means you could save over 53 minutes per day just from writing e-mails alone. At a cost of $75, if your time is worth, at minimum $10 an hour, Dragon NaturallySpeaking will pay for itself in about a week($75/{$10*53/60} = 8.5 days). If your time is worth more than that, it will pay for itself, much faster. If you write more. It will also pay for itself, much faster also. The bottom line is that it can save you time and money, and these days we all need that type of help.
So, please enjoy this video that Drew is put together and consider how Dragon NaturallySpeaking could work for you to save you time and help you improve your quality of life and just about pay for itself with the discount codes that Nuance is offering exclusively to blog readers.
Best regards,
Brett Bumeter.
PS I wrote this article using Dragon NaturallySpeaking myself. It's about 700 words long it took me six minutes to write, and another minute or two to edit. That averages out to approximately 87 words per minute including editing time, which is fantastic!

As if these features weren’t enough, Nuance is allowing us to offer our readers a 25% Discount Coupon CODE Exclusive for Dragon Naturally Speaking, but you must click the image below and use this code (DNSMSBG) Together. Code will not work from other sources. Moreover, there is also a 25% off Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred coupon code for you as well as a 10% off MacSpeech Dictate coupon. So, what else could we ask for? Just follow my example and get your own Dragon Naturally Speaking with coupon code as soon as possible! If you wish to, you may even read the original blog article and video…