Nov 26, 2009

Discovering Europe

As a traveler who simply loves to discover every corner of the most famous cities all around the world, I am often seduced by the idea of taking part in a train adventure all over Europe so that I can discover how Europe developed and how people tend to live in those countries.

Keeping this in mind, I have been recently reading some interesting articles on travels from UK to France and other glamorous countries all over Europe so that I can have a more precise idea of what I can expect to find in those countries and which spots I should definitely avoid missing if I intend to take full advantage of my trips. As a matter of fact, I have been reading some interesting news about the St. Pancras railway station and other station to airport possibilities that may allow me to take full advantage of fast services that will easily make it possible for me to travel from city to city in short periods of time! Moreover, if you decide to go from St Pancras International, London to any destination across Europe that has always attracted you, then I would personally advise you to take some time to visit the websites to which I have linked above and where you may discover more about the great possibilities that you have this winter all across Europe but mainly in Paris and Brussels as they are just a few hours away if you choose St. Pancras railway station to get there.

So, have you always wanted to do some shopping for Christmas anywhere across Europe or would you like to enjoy some festivals in Europe during the winter? If that’s the case, then I am more than sure that you will definitely benefit from having a look at the website to which I have linked just above and where you will be able to get many and interesting information about these trips.

NYC unlicensed airport taxis to be cracked down!

Even if you have never been to NYC before, the truth is that you must be familiar with the general idea that everyone in the city does everything possible in order to fulfil their "American dreams" so you may end up facing some amazing surprises. In fact, read the article just below and discover how many taxis are just unlicensed:


NEW YORK - With the holiday travel season gearing up, authorities are cracking down on the swarms of unlicensed taxi drivers who hustle passengers at New York City airports.

Port officials and prosecutors announced Tuesday that police had arrested 17 men at Kennedy International Airport in an enforcement sweep timed to coincide with a new law imposing tougher penalties on unlicensed hacks. An 18th driver was arrested at LaGuardia Airport.

Under the new state law signed last month, the drivers could face up to 90 days in jail and fines as high as $1,250. Previously, violations usually resulted in the equivalent of a traffic ticket.

Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said the new legislation "should go a long way toward putting an end to the days when airport hustlers accepted paying a minimal fine simply as a cost of doing business."

The crackdown takes aim at the small army of quick-talking drivers who approach passengers as they emerge from the terminals and offer them a ride into the city for an under-the-table fare, negotiated on the spot.

These trips aren't always a rip-off. Unlicensed drivers often charge equal to, or less than, the legal flat taxi rate of $45.50 (plus tolls) for all taxi trips between Manhattan and JFK.

But these unauthorized pickups can be problematic, too, especially when drivers come across someone who isn't familiar with the city or U.S. currency. One driver arrested Monday at JFK had offered an investigator a ride to Manhattan for $85.

In one case in June, a group of French tourists were effectively held hostage for a time as the unlicensed van that had picked them up at JFK was chased through the city by police.

Port Authority Executive Director Chris Ward said enforcement of the law would keep "potentially dangerous" drivers off the streets, including those who lack proper insurance, while protecting the livelihood of those who do business legally.


It is possible for us to look younger!

English review:

As a woman who knows how it feels to look at the mirror and see how the years pass by and make us look older, I am experienced enough to assure absolutely every woman that it is vital that we take some plastic surgeries and some rejuvenation techniques that make it possible for us to look younger and even more beautiful.

Keeping this in mind, I have been recently looking for the best solutions on botox so that I can make my facial expressions and smile look just like when I was twenty years old! In fact, thanks to the latest techniques and technologies it is now possible for us to achieve amazing results as you may confirm by having a look at the website to which I have linked just above and which will redirect you to “Corporacion Dermoestetica”, which is one of the most successful clinics all around the world providing women with amazing results on facial rejuvenation. Moreover, all the services that they provide come from the most experienced and successful professionals, making it absolutely sure that we can feel confident about the final results that we will get.

So, if you have been waiting for the perfect moment to discover how botox can really change your life, then you definitely need to take some of your time to have a look at the website above and see how you can recover the amazing smile that you had when you were younger.

Spanish review:

Como una mujer que sabe cómo es mirar el espejo y ver cómo pasan los años y como ellos nos hacen parecer más viejas, yo tengo la suficiente experiencia como para garantizar absolutamente todas las mujeres que es de vital importancia que consideremos la posibilidad de tirar partido de algunas cirugías plásticas y algunas técnicas de rejuvenecimiento para que sea posible que nosotras logremos parecer más jóvenes y más hermosas.

Con esto en mente, he estado recientemente en busca de las mejores soluciones de botox para que yo pueda hacer mis expresiones faciales y la sonrisa parecer igual que cuando tenía veinte años. De hecho, gracias a las últimas técnicas y tecnologías, ahora es posible para nosotros lograr resultados sorprendentes, lo que puede confirmar al echar un vistazo a la página web a la que he conectado justo por encima y que le redirigirá a "Corporación Dermoestética", que es una de las clínicas de mayor éxito en todo el mundo ofreciendo a las mujeres los resultados más sorprendentes en el rejuvenecimiento facial. Además, todos los servicios que ofrecen vienen de los profesionales más experimentados y exitosos, por lo que es absolutamente seguro de que podemos tener confianza en los resultados finales que iremos tener.

Por lo tanto, si usted ha estado esperando el momento perfecto para descubrir cómo el botox puede realmente cambiar su vida, entonces usted definitivamente necesita tomar algun de su tiempo para echar un vistazo a la página web por encima y ver cómo se puede recuperar la sonrisa increíble que usted tenía cuando era más joven.