May 23, 2009

The importance of a special cause

Even if you don’t travel all around the world and visit the poorest countries in the world, you still know that an increasing number of young children all across the world are facing many social problems such as extreme poverty, illnesses and a lot more! These children need our help and that’s exactly why is already spreading the word about this problem and initiated the important campaign by the name of “Paremos la pobreza infantil”, which counts with the support of the famous goalkeeper Iker Casillas and aims to stop poverty (or as Spanish would say: “parar la pobreza”.

Personally, I believe that humanitarian help (or “ayuda humanitaria” as Spanish people would say) is a priority in my life and I believe that everyone should do everything possible in order to help others. Moreover, this Spanish campaign is also based on a interesting idea of a wall (a “mural” as they would say) where users are given the chance to look for their own photo as soon as they get to take part in this important initiative.

So, if you live in Spain or if you are going to spend some time in that country, why don’t you consider the possibility of participating in this interesting campaign that will help hundreds of young children all across the world?

Cashing in on divorces

As you know, many people often marry and divorce because of money but as a woman I have never considered doing it! Anyway, the truth is that it is also possible to cash in on the divorces of other people surronding you... The article just below will show you how:


HOUSTON - Continental Airlines Inc. is suing nine pilots that it says got sham divorces so their ex-spouses could collect their retirement benefits while they kept flying.

The airline said the pilots concealed the divorces from children and friends, then remarried their spouses after getting the money.

The company said it paid out between $10 million and $11 million in suspicious pension distributions.

Eight of the pilots have been fired or quit, while one was rehired after he promised to pay back the retirement money, the airline said — although he too was named as a defendant after failing to repay. The spouses were also named as defendants.

The airline and the committee that runs its pilots' retirement plan filed the lawsuit Wednesday in federal district court in Houston.

Continental asked the court to order the pilots to return the money and to declare that the company was not violating anti-discrimination laws in firing the pilots.

Continental charged that the pilots — seven men and two women — tried to take advantage of a loophole in a major federal pension law that in cases of divorce allows payment of benefits before the worker retires.

The pilots divorced and then usually assigned all their benefits to their ex-spouses, who then got state courts to issue orders transferring pension benefits in a lump sum to the ex-spouses, the airline charged.

"The divorces ... were subterfuges or sham transactions" because the couples had no intention of breaking up but divorced only to collect pension benefits without the pilots retiring, the airline said.

The lawsuit suggested that the pilots acted because they were afraid of being hurt by turmoil in the airline industry.

Several airlines have terminated pension plans and turned them over to the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., and the Continental pilots might have feared the same thing could happen at the Houston-based carrier.

The average Continental pilot qualifies for up to $900,000 in a lump sum upon retirement, but the PBGC limits payments far below that level, and it makes annual payments rather than lump-sum distributions.

Continental said it began receiving "a significant number" of requests for lump-sum pension payouts to ex-spouses of working pilots beginning in late 2005, and by mid-2007 the airline learned that the couples usually remarried after getting the money.

Other pilots besides the nine named in the lawsuit apparently tried the same ploy, according to the lawsuit. In some cases, the company stopped payments before they were made.


Finding the perfect solutions for you in Spain

As a traveler who spends a lot of time in Europe but mainly in countries like France and Spain, the truth is that I am quite aware of the current financial trends and offers that citizens are given by the banks.

Personally, I would like to give special emphasis to one particular offer from Sabadell Atlántico Bank by the name of “conminominasi” which gives Spanish users free debit and credit cards, 3% cash back, free transfers and checks and many other advantages! In fact, for all my Spanish readers looking for the ultimate “nómina” solution, I would personally advise you to have a look at the website above as you may discover one of the best “nominas” solutions that any bank could ever offer. Moreover, if what you need is to make the “nómina” personal and manageable from your own house (in Spanish people would say “domiciliar nómina”), then you will be glad to know that with the Sabadell Atlántico Bank it is also possible and just a few clicks away from you!

So, if you live in Spain and would like to find the perfect “nómina” solution for you, then I would really advise you to take some of your time to browse the website to which I have linked above and see how the Sabadell Atlántico Bank may change your life.

European Union trying to crack down hidden airline fees

While most airline companies are facing some financial difficulties, the truth is that the European Union is already trying to crack down all the hidden fees that have made those airline companies survive over the past few months! What could this mean for travelers? Below is the article showing you all the consequences that you can expect thanks to this event:


BRUSSELS - The European Union says airline Web sites have fewer hidden prices and conditions than they did two years ago, making it easier for customers to find the best deals.

It says 115 of the 137 airline Web sites it investigated — after a preliminary screening of 447 sites — have cleared up misleading information and that 52 of 67 major airlines operating in the European Union now have a "clean bill of health."

EU Consumer Commissioner Meglena Kuneva said three major holdouts, KLM, Air France and British Airways, promised Thursday they would fall into line with the EU standards.

The standards have been agreed to with the airline industry. It is up to national authorities to impose penalties but the EU hopes public exposure will be the best deterrent to unsatisfactory practices.

Kuneva said several airlines did not cooperate with the EU Commission, including Aeroflot, Emirates, Northwest, Olympic Airlines and Turkish Airlines. "They never gave us a reply," she said.

Over the past two years, the EU has approached airlines and specialized Web sites to tackle "the plague of hidden charges, pre-ticked boxes and nasty surprises in the small print of airline Web sites," Kuneva said.

She said it was essential during the financial crisis to be able to pick the best deal available.

"Especially in these hard times, people need transparent prices. They need to be able to compare offers, shop around," she told reporters.

Customer complaints about misleading bargain fares triggered the probe, the EU said. Hefty charges and government taxes were often not part of the advertised price. Travel insurance is also sometimes be tacked on automatically before checkout.

Air travel has boomed in Europe in the past two decades as a wave of low-cost carriers has slashed prices and opened up new routes.


Buying the best Honda Generators

When thinking about the most pleasuring things that we can do in our lives, I would personally say that traveling and camping are some of them! In fact, I love to travel but I also tend to camp many times over the year…

Keeping this in mind, if you are also a traveler who loves to camp, then you definitely need to have a look at these Honda Generators as they will really come in handy for you when you need some power to turn on the gadgets that you carry with you. Moreover, on the website above you are also able to find other camping equipment and outdoor furniture such as screens, shades, ladders, steps and a lot more! As a matter of fact, the range of equipment available on the website is so immense that I am sure that you will be amazed by it.

Where are you going this summer?

Even though the crisis is still affecting us all, the truth is that we can't live without the deserved holidays that we are all going to spend in a special country of the world, right? Keeping this in mind, where are you going to this summer? Below is another article showing you the current trends of most Americans:


NEW YORK - With the weather warming and gasoline costs dropping, Ken Hyman is looking forward to hitting the open road in his Mustang convertible as Americans head back to the highways in higher numbers this summer.

"You feel free," said Hyman, 67, who likes to wax nostalgic about the feeling of wind in his hair as he drives down the highway.

And he's not the only U.S. driver looking forward to holiday road travel this year.

AAA travel and auto group forecast a 1.5 percent rise in travel compared with 2008 for the U.S. Memorial Day weekend, the beginning of the traditional summer driving season.

The trend will likely continue during the major summer travel holidays of the Fourth of July and Labor Day as lower fuel prices reignite the American love affair with the open road, according to AAA.

"The good news is sharply lower gasoline prices and plentiful travel bargains have Americans feeling better about taking a road trip this summer," AAA President and Chief Executive Officer Robert Darbelnet said.

Lower gasoline prices, travel bargains and pent-up consumer demand will trump concerns about the recession during major holidays this summer, he said.

Approximately 32.4 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home during the three-day weekend that ends on Monday, May 25, up from 31.9 million last year.

The majority of Memorial Day travelers, 83 percent, will travel by car, while 7 percent will travel by air, and 10 percent will travel by other modes of transportation including rail, buses and watercraft.

Trips by automobile will increase 2.7 percent, from 26.3 million travelers last year, to 27 million this year as Americans take advantage of gasoline prices that are down nearly 40 percent from year-ago levels.

The national average U.S. retail gasoline price was $2.24 per gallon on Tuesday, according to AAA, down from $3.71 per gallon a year ago. The group has said it does not expect prices to rise above the $2.50 per gallon level this summer.

Cheap gasoline prices are the main reason Jessica Brady, a 27-year-old public relations specialist from Tampa, Florida, will take some weekend trips to local springs.

"These were some things that we didn't do last year because of gas prices," said Brady, who owns a gas-guzzling sports utility vehicle.


Brian West

Brian West has recently appeared in my life as I first read about all the Brian West MD Plastic Surgery that is now offering us all a second chance when it comes to get the physical appearance that we used to have in the past and which we would all love to get back as soon as possible. In fact, as a woman I believe that these surgeries really play an important role in our lives as they give us all the confidence and future prospects that we all dream with as we get older…

So, would you really like to know more about Brian West MD Plastic Surgery Services? If that’s the case, then you definitely need to have a look at the links above and discover how you can easily change your life with those plastic surgeries.

Las Vegas welcome sign is now part of the history

Have you ever been to Las Vegas before? If you are a regular visitor of the city, have you ever noticed the main welcome sign in the city? Well, you will be glad to know that it is now part of the history and one of the most charismatic symbols of the whole country! Below is the article giving you further detail on this:


LAS VEGAS - The iconic "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign is now officially a piece of national history.

Clark County officials on Thursday announced that the sign has gained listing on the National Register of Historic Places, to fit with the county's centennial celebration this year.

County Commission Chairman Rory Reid says the 50-year-old sign at the south end of the Las Vegas Strip is an important symbol, as well as the backdrop for untold thousands of tourist photographs.

The National Park Service designation became official on May 1.

The sign cost $4,000 in 1959 and was designed by Betty Whitehead Willis of Western Neon.

It was erected after a group of Strip hotel owners asked Clark County for a sign welcoming visitors to Las Vegas.


The important role played by Direct TV

When considering the disadvantages of traveling all around the world, one that often comes to my mind is that I end up losing most of my favorite TV channels as I am in a different country for some weeks…

Fortunately, it is now possible for new costumers to get important advice about which Satellite TV services best fit their needs, which offer free equipment. In fact, if you are looking for the ultimate website providing Direct TV advice, then you can definitely have a look at the links above and even compare the pricing of most providers in the market, discuss the different packages that are available to us and discover the current market trends so that you can move in the right direction!

So, are you really looking forward to find the best direct tv package for you? If that’s the case, then you should definitely take some of your time and have a look at the links above. I am sure that they will really come in handy for you!