Keeping this in mind, I have recently found this very special website where you can easily upload your blog pictures without the need of downloading anything or resizing. Could it be easier that this? Well, I don’t think so and I believe that after I registered that, I will only benefit with that major decision in my life as a blogger… So, why don’t you also follow my example and start to take full advantage of this useful and completely free service? I am sure that you won’t regret it and that it will definitely come in handy in your blogging life… In fact, just see the picture below which was hosted on that was extremely easy to add to this blog post, taking it as an example of what you can also do with your blog and your images...
Nov 13, 2008
An helpful website for any blogger...
Good news for passengers...

Don't you think that we, passengers, should get better facilities when we travel?
Passengers on American Airlines will be able to get boarding passes electronically on their mobile phones or PDAs at some airports beginning Thursday, avoiding the need for printed passes.
The carrier said the electronic passes were being introduced Thursday for passengers leaving on domestic flights from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.
The passes will be offered on domestic flights from Los Angeles International and John Wayne Orange County airports beginning Monday, the carrier said.
Business loans to bring out business to the next level...
Just as you know, when you need to start your own business or make any major upgrade, you probably figure out that your business doesn’t give you enough profit to bring it to the next level, right? Well, that has also happened to me in the past and I had to get some bad credit business loans in order to pay some bills, while also upgrading my small business, a local store that I had in Memphis.
So, whenever you face yourself in a bad financial situation where you need some extra money and you urge for a loan, by that time you definitely need to have a look at the website above and apply for a small business loan! Moreover, you may also wish to apply for one when you decide to buy some new equipment or any other extra facility for your restaurant or small business…
Snowboarding vacations...

Do you love snow? Well, then snowbard vacations is probably the best option for you!
The resort of Les Arcs in the French Alps is renowned for having 125 miles of runs, a lift system that can take you all the way up to 10,500 feet, and a cable car that connects to the neighboring valley of La Plagne.
But I didn't experience much of that on my week there. Instead, I spent a lot of my time at the resort's highest station, Les Arcs 2000, falling down on the bunny slopes as I tried to learn to snowboard in a six-day group course.
As a kid I learned to ski. But I had never snowboarded. As I entered my 30s, I wanted to see what I was missing before I got too old to learn. How hard could it be?