As a traveler who really likes to take the most out of every travel, I tend to believe that it is extremely important that we always follow the safety rules and advices that the natives and specialists tend to give us. In fact, if you ever forget about their advices, you may even end up facing a very unpleasent situation…
Keeping this in mind, if you ever decide to boat on any river with some cases of beer on board then you should know that you are racing against the law if your blood alcohol is 0.8 or more just like it would work if you were driving a car. Moreover, the penalties are also the same and it is extremely dangerous if you are not boating in the best of your conditions.
So, would you like to know more about Boating OUI and other related topics? If that’s the case then you should definitely have a look at the website above and also the video that you may watch at the end of this post, making sure that you have detailed knowledge when you finally decide to start boating with some friends while also making sure that you are all completely safe from any accident that could happen.