Do you love to save a lot of money while you are on holidays and would you like to get some new important tips to make you save some hundred dollars? If that's the case, then you need to read the original new found on MSNBC.com just below:
By Harriet Baskas
Travel writer
msnbc.com contributor
updated 9:39 a.m. ET Jan. 29, 2009
One summer, early in my traveling career, I took my mother with me on my work-related road trips. Not because she was great company, but because with her in tow I could get a senior discount on motel rooms. As you can imagine, there were some serious downsides to that scheme, but at the time it seemed to make sense.
I’ve wised up over the years and found other ways to cut costs when out on the road. I scour Web sites and tourism brochures for hotel and meal coupons. I take advantage of discounts available to card-carrying members of Costco and AAA. I stick to hotels that offer complimentary breakfast and free Wi-Fi. And while I have no qualms about taking an extra apple or banana from a hotel breakfast bar and saving it for lunch, I stop short at pocketing those tiny unopened jam jars on room-service trays other travelers leave outside their doors — although I’ll admit I’ve sometimes been tempted.