When thinking about what an Hotel has to offer us, what does normally tends to captivate most of your attention? Is it realy the interiors or the exteriors? And do you normally tend to pay attention to the general condition of the infrastructures or do you tend to ignore them? Anyway, I found an amazing article that I would love to share with you all:
" By Rob Lovitt
The operators of the nation’s extended-stay hotels would like to extend a welcome — and you don’t have to check in for two weeks to accept it. With nearly 2,700 extended-stay (ES) properties now open in the U.S. and more on the way, there’s plenty of room at the inn even if you only stay a night or two.
Of course, the underlying premise is still to provide a residential setting for those who are away from home for longer periods. According to consultant Mark Skinner of The Highland Group, the average stay is 13 days, dominated by workers involved in construction projects, corporate training or relocation.
But leisure travelers are increasingly discovering that ES hotels provide good value in tough times. Suite-style units offer added space at minimal cost; in-room kitchens cut down on restaurant expenses, and complimentary breakfasts are almost always included.