Do you honestly believe that celebrities have their own Hotels and Resorts? Well, they don't and that's exactly why you may even end up facing them on your favorite Hotel! Just check some of their favorite ones below:
It's a wonder that, with their private homes and villas all over the world — and those staffs with strict nondisclosure clauses — famous people still engage in shameless shenanigans at world-class hotels. Sure, hotels offer a sense of anonymity, of freedom from everyday rules of behavior. But that's one thing when you're a mere mortal sneaking away for a quiet rendezvous, another thing altogether when you're, say, Jennifer Aniston.
When a celebrity is involved, everyone from the chambermaid to the business traveler staying in the next room suddenly knows that so-and-so just hooked up with what's-his-face (who's totally married!), and a night of reckless fun turns into an affair we will all remember.
But A-listers' false sense of invincibility — or perhaps their desire to turn up in the tabloids — is our gain, as we sate ourselves on tales of impropriety in posh places like the Beverly Hills Hotel or the Soho Grand. Come play along — after all, the stars already do.
The love nest: Soho Grand Hotel, New York City
The players: John Mayer and Jessica Simpson
The dish: John and Jessica's torrid affair was a tangled web, to say the least. But while the rest of us read the tabloids to keep up with the story line, staff at New York City's trendy Soho Grand saw it up close and personal.
The love nest: The Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas
The players: Michael Phelps and the lovely ladies of the Moon Nightclub
The dish: Checking out the hired help at a nightclub generally does not qualify as a hookup — that is, unless you're Michael Phelps.