Just as you know, when we travel to the most exotic destinations worlwide, we are likely to surprise ourselves with some animal encounters, right?
While a vacation that requires you to pack snow boots instead of sandals may seem a little backwards, it’s easy to forget about near-freezing temperatures when you’re photographing penguins and searching for snow leopards.
Cold weather safaris take travelers to some of the most remote and breathtaking parts of the world, where they can encounter their favorite animals in as close range as possible. Travel to Canada’s Magdalen Islands via helicopter, and you’ll be treated to a view of majestic sandstone cliffs and miles of massive ice floes. But once you get back on land, the sights are even more astonishing as you find yourself standing among thousands of harp seals and their adorable pups.
Many cold weather safaris boast an itinerary that’s packed full of outdoor activities, from sea kayaking to snowshoeing, and the combination of animals and adventure is proving to be a success. But make sure you book your vacation well in advance, since the opportunity to camp in Antarctica only a few feet away from thousands of emperor penguins isn’t available year-round.