Do you have any scary stories from those times when you used to travel abroad?
To start things off on a light note, Kevin-665253 shared this “not creepy, but certainly crazy, and very funny” story about a classic and very Halloween-worthy trick he watched a group of college kids play on other travelers while waiting out a long flight delay at Chicago’s O'Hare International Airport:
“They tied some fishing line to a $10 bill and tossed it out in the middle of the concourse. Of course, numerous passers-by attempted to retrieve it and chased it all over the concourse as it got tugged away by the invisible string: business men in suits, women in dresses, kids, older folks; the lot of them. Certainly not the most original joke in the world, but it kept the entire gate howling for hours. It even got so everyone in the gate area would get really quiet until the next victim came along, at which time the fun would begin anew.”
Do you really love Halloween?