Dec 18, 2008
Prepare yourself for the next trips
Keeping this in mind, whenever you decide to start traveling the world too, then you surely need to pay attention to the way you prepare yourself for the trip and the equipment that you take with you. Firstly, if you need some new extra eyeglasses to prevent any undesired situation, then you definitely need to have a look at the website above, where you will be able to buy progressive reading eyeglasses, bifocal reading glasses, tinted sunglasses and much more with prices starting for as little as 15 dollars! Moreover, the quality of the eyeglasses being sold on the website above is also unbeatable, making them the perfect choice for anyone who needs some new ones and doesn't want to spend hundreds of dollars in a new pair on the stores!
As if all the advantages mentioned above weren't enough, you will even get free shipping worldwide (when you order more than 1 pair) which is extremely fast, you can also try the virtual try-on system which will allow you to have an idea of how the eyeglasses will look on you and how stylish they are! So, why don't you have a look at the website now?
The best year to travel: 2009
Pauline Frommer, the guidebook writer, agreed. "Because of the sharp drop off in bookings, we're seeing some pretty deep discounts to just about everywhere," she said, citing as an example Walt Disney World's offer of seven nights for the price of four. "It's definitely going to be a buyers' market next year."
But even though travel is becoming more affordable, more people are expected to stay home due to the recession. The Travel Industry Association predicts a 1.3 percent drop in 2009 leisure travel. "
Dec 16, 2008
The importance of business loans to survive the current downturn
As a matter of fact, if you are the owner of a company or if you are a businessman, then I am pretty sure that you have already noticed that people are paying with credit cards with much more frequency than what they used to in the past. Keeping this in mind, it is extremely important that you take business loans and add new features to your company like the possibility of accepting credit card payments, the new payment method that people are choosing in the past few months.
Personally, I believe that this is the best time to get a business loan and that's exactly why you should have a look at the website above where you can get all the cash quickly and without all the paperwork that normally leads to too many lost time, which can be pretty dangerous as it could led to an even worse situation of our business if we don't get the cash as soon as possible. This is exactly why the website above must be the option of your choice, you get the apprioval really fast and there are no closing costs or fees that could surprise you. What else could we ask for?
Traveling with all the needed safety
Traveling around the world has always seemed a great idea, right? Still, people often seem to forget about their health when they pick up a destination and that's why you should read further and be increasingly aware of the effects of your decisions:
It seemed like a good idea at the time. After an inspiring day at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, I returned to my guesthouse to find locals sharing stories — and homemade rice wine. My instinct told me to stick with bottled beer, but their insistence wore me down. The wine tasted good and complemented their tales of Siem Reap. Feeling in tune with local life, I went to bed happy.
Later in my trip, however, happiness turned to violent illness (I’ll spare you the details). I had contracted giardia, an intestinal parasite — probably from the wine. It took three rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it.
My situation was hardly unique. “In our efforts to have fun while traveling, we often leave our common sense at home,” says Shelly Diaz, traveler’s health spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control. But finding that balance between experience and safety isn’t always easy. Wrap yourself in a bubble and you can miss out on unforgettable events. Take risks and you can end up with unwelcome surprises like giardia — or worse.
Building the home of your dreams...
As a matter of fact, when you decide to buy your new home, you often end up thinking that there is no way on how you can easily create the home of your dreams, right? Well, that's just because you haven't been talking with the most experienced company in the business which can make any of your dreams come true when it comes the time to build your new home! Personally, after checking these Schumacher Homes Louisiana, I was marveled with the enourmous possibilities that you have at you disposal whenever you decide to build your dream houses.
So, why don't you take some time to visit the website above and witness how easy it can be to build your dream home? I am sure that you could definitely enjoy your house a lot more if you are living on the home that you have always been dreaming with, right?
Taking advantage of the best prices in this winter season...
Do you want to spend your Christmas in a new destination worldwide? Well, you definitely need to have a look at the recent discussion topics that can be found on the MSN news database...
2. Use reasonSometimes, logic really works. It did for Teresa Castleberry, who was flying from Albany, N.Y., to St. Thomas on US Airways recently. Her flight was canceled because of “crew availability” problems. The airline offered her a later flight, but she would have missed two days of her vacation. So she rented a car and drove to Philadelphia, where she caught a flight to the Virgin Islands. She wrote to the airline, asking for compensation. Denied. I recommended she send a concise, well-reasoned e-mail to US Airways, asking it to reconsider. Bingo! A customer service representative phoned Castleberry, offering a refund of the unused portion of her ticket, for a total of $266. “I do believe that is reasonable compensation,” she told me. I do, too.
3. Cite their own policiesThis is effective not only when the rules favor you, but also when they don’t. What do I mean? Well, referring to an online agency’s service “guarantee” when you aren’t getting any service, for example, is a no-brainer. But citing a travel company’s policy when you’re obviously wrong — that’s brilliant. Which is exactly what Heidi Houseman did when Northwest Airlines refused to refund her parents’ airline tickets and frequent flier miles after her father developed the intestinal flu and had to cancel his trip. “They were packed and ready to go, and they got up at 3 a.m. and — boom!” she remembers. Northwest Airlines was well within its rights to keep the spent miles and her parents’ money. I told Houseman that she needed to make sure she told Northwest that she was aware of the airline’s no-refunds policy. So she did. Eventually, she appealed to a manager at Northwest, who decided to make an exception for the elderly couple. It refunded the tickets and miles.
Dec 9, 2008
My dreams can now be made true...
Even though I am a blogger, the truth is that I have always wanted to be part of the army or a policeman but those dreams could never be achieved thanks to the fact that I just can't stop traveling around the world. As a result of that, the only way allowing me to witness the amazing experiences that I would have enjoyed as a policeman, is the possibility of buying their professional equipment and taking the most out of it!
Keeping this in mind, I would like to share my personal experience with Surefire tools, batteries and other useful stuff to use on the streets or simply to help us on our daily life as members of a dangerous society. Moreover, if you have a link at the link above, you will witness that you can easily buy some of that equipment with all the ease that you could expect to find on an online store and enjoy their amazing promotions that will allow you to make major savings while also buying the stuff that you love!
Amongst all the tools being sold on the website above, I would like to make a special reference to Surefire Incandescent lights which are, in my opinion, the best I have ever had in my whole life when you keep in mind their quality and their retail price! So, if you have always wanted to have some Surefire tools and lights yourself, why don't you have a look at the online store to which I have linked above? I am sure that you will be able to find some useful tools that could easily be the perfect gift for you or any other friend of yours, now that Christmas is by the corner...
Obama and tourism in Hawaii: the influencies
It happened to Crawford, Texas, when George Bush took the White House and the town closest to his getaway central Texas ranch blossomed with tourists and the businesses that catered to them.
But Honolulu, which already lures millions of tourists each year, is only beginning to see development of tourism tied to Barack Obama, the Hawaii native son who becomes the 44th president of the United States in January.
Dragon Coupon Code to improve your blogging skills!
Just as you know, being a blogger is more than a hobby for most of us, travelers, which makes it mandatory that in our Holiday wish list there are also many tools, themes, logos and other useful stuff that can really allow us to enjoy our blogging experience even more while also bringing a better website/blog to the visitors.
Keeping this in mind, I have already decided which are my favorite 10 items for the upcoming Holiday: a new and professional logo to my blog, a new Logitech Microphone, a more complex theme for this page so that I can attract more comments, translating gadgets for the blog, php and Sql training courses, some new blogging books, a SEO service, a new marketing advice service to boost the number of visitors to my blogs, some new backlinks to boost my page rank and also a new and most reliable web hosting plan... In fact, my decision to choose the Logitech Microphone is related to the Dragon Naturally Speaking software wich allows us to write a blog post much faster and with all the ease that we could wish! Moreover, if you associate that program with the logitech Microphone, you can even "type from 30 feet away with a Logitech Wireless microphone & Dragon NaturallySpeaking", which is one of the videos that you can see above.
After watching that video, I am sure that you will be amazed with all the possibilities of that program and so you will be looking for Dragon Naturally Speaking coupons, right?
- $50 Coupon Code DNSMSBG -Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred
- $25 Coupon Code DNSMSBG -Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard
- $25 Coupon Code- DNSMSBG -MacSpeech Dictate
Top 2 presidential destinatios... Would you like to try too?
Dec 5, 2008
Debt consulidation is an important decision...
Personally, I think that it is extremely important that you consider studying and knowing more about the pros and cons of debt consolidation as that information will really come in handy in the future when you decide to consider taking a debt consolidation loan to bring your economical balance to a whole new level of stbility.So, why don’t you have a look at the links above and discover how you can match the current situation that you may be facing. As a matter of fact, I have also benefited with a visit to the link above and I am sure that I will face any financial problem that I may have in the future with much more confidence! After all, shouldn’t we also do something about the current situation of the country and manage a way out of the current crisis? If you agree with me, then you need to have a link at the website above…
Traveling to foreign destinations...
A rock damaged the hull as the Ushuaia passed through the Gerlache Strait, Chilean Capt. Pedro Ojeda told Argentina’s Telam news agency. The crash left the boat adrift in Guillermina Bay.
The Chilean navy said the cruise ship was carrying 14 Danish passengers, 12 Americans, 11 Australians, nine Germans, seven Argentines, seven British, six Chinese, six Spaniards, five Swiss, three Italians, three French, two Canadians, two from Ireland, a Belgian and a passenger from New Zealand. All were in good condition.
The cruise ship, built in 1970, operates from the Port of Ushuaia in southern Argentina, transporting passengers to Antarctica and islands in the icy waters of the South Atlantic.
The Chilean navy positioned the ship Lautaro near the abandoned Ushuaia in an attempt to prevent any environmental damage from leaking fuel.
Hunting equipment for the Christmas
Keeping this in mind, if you are a fan of hunting sports, or if you have any good friend who is, then you definitely need to have a look at this Nikon Hunting Christmas Promotion, which will definitely bring a revolution to your hunting skills on the field. In fact, as soon as you visit the link above and see Nikon’s offer, I am sure that you won’t resist it and will take full advantage of it.
Getting naked on the Christmas holidays!
Remember that guy in college who told you to get naked because everyone was doing it? Well, he may have been ahead of his time. Whether it's for art, health, relaxation, or spiritual awakening, a whole world of travel is opening up to the idea of an NC-17 holiday. But remove your mind from the gutter—this isn't about sex. This nudity is about art! About freedom of expression! About refocusing your third eye! And when that all fails, it's also about checking out the hotties in the thermal baths in Iceland. In other words, those in the know are also those in the buff. Read on to find the best places to take it all off, from Nevada's desert of hot bodies to Japan's nude theme park.
Nov 26, 2008
Discovering a new religion in your life...
Just as you know, there are hundreds of religions out there and it seems that they are one of the biggest causes of many wars and fights. Still, do we really notice that they are all meant to be the ideal that we should follow? In fact, as I traveled the world and got to know more and more religions, I realized that it is possible that we find the best parts of each one and even consider some to be more faithful than others.
Keeping this in mind, I would say that ejf (eternal jewish family) is probably one of the concepts that attracts my attention the most! I mean, it’s so incredibly soft and easy to apply in real life that you will be amazed with how much it will help you take the most out of your life while also helping others and sharing everything with all the people that you love. So, if you have always wanted to know more about the Jewish family, why don’t you have a look at the website above and see with your own eyes and heart why I am such a fan of this concept? I am sure that you will never regret it and that you will only learn with that visit…
NY, the best city to buy your Christmas gifts...

While most people just tend to buy their Christmas gifts online, the truth is that NY is the city where you can easily find something that you wouldn't find anywhere else! So, why don't you join millions of other buyers there?
Some 11 million people visited New York City last year between October and December, according to NYC & Company, the city's marketing and tourism organization. Even if that number drops this year due to the economy, you're likely to find Manhattan plenty crowded over the holidays.
"The busiest time for visitation to NYC is typically the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas," said NYC & Company spokesman Chris Heywood.
In addition to seeing the Rockefeller Center tree and decorated windows, many December visitors come to shop. Naturally chain retailers — especially the Manhattan flagships for stores like Macy's — are a big draw. But New York is also full of one-of-a-kind shops and ethnic neighborhoods where you can find unique merchandise in all price ranges.
The importance of internet marketing consulting
While I am a fan of travels and I am addict to the joy of a trip to Africa, the truth is that I am also a person who does its best for the financial stability of the household and the small business that I own.
As a matter of fact, as soon as I decide to bring my business online I realized that having the best prices and services of the whole market is just not enough. Even though that is something very important, the truth is that if you don’t ask the help of a Internet Marketing Consultant, you will probably end up with the products and services for yourself! So, why don’t you consider internet marketing consulting? Personally, I know that is something that will definitely come in handy and will allow us to boost the sales of our website!
This means that whenever you decide to consult a marketing specialist, you simply need to have a look at the website to which I have linked above, the homepage of one of the most successful SEO Consultant in the market! In fact, Danny DeMichele has already done consulting packages for MacDonald’s and other famous websites as you can read on the website. Personally, I find the website extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate but I think that it’s a bit too simple and the “Archives” and “Recent comments” sections are out of place. Anyway, the weekly tips totally make me forget about those little details and I am sure that they will now also play a very important role in your career as an online seller, making your business achieve all the success that it deserves.
Enjoying the views of a mountain...

Do you know any better usage for a plane other than a long trip to the highest views of a mountain? Well, from my own experience I know that these can easily be the best travels of your life...
The hum of the single-engine Cessna fills your ears as you ascend above the Peruvian high desert. Below you, flat expanses of dry, brown earth extend in every direction, punctuated only by twisting dry riverbeds ... a lifeless landscape. Then the plane banks, and over the intercom the pilot directs you to look at what appear to be just another set of curving, squiggly lines. But then, as you watch, the lines start to come to life, to form a definitive shape ... with a spread-finned tail at one end, a gaping mouth at the other, and an eye in the middle, staring up at you: it’s a giant line drawing of a whale, carved right into the landscape.
An aerial tour is the only way to fully appreciate Peru’s mysterious geoglyphs, known as the Nazca lines; the 2,000-year-old depictions of animals and geometric figures can be miles long—much too immense to be seen from the ground. But though these earth-etchings are some of the most dramatic sights you’ll ever see from the air, there’s plenty of other scenery around the world best viewed from on high.
Most anyone who’s spent an hour playing with Google Earth already knows the fascination of observing places from above. When seen from a bird’s-eye perspective, even familiar land- and cityscapes become completely new, with colors, patterns, and geographical features you’d never known existed until you hovered above them.
Web design solutions for webmasters
As you can easily conclude from what you see in my blog, I am a webmaster who doesn’t seem to take web mastering too seriously and so the concept and the design of my website could definitely be improved, giving it a much more professional look that could benefit both the experience of the visitors and also allow me to work with more ease.
Keeping this in mind, whenever you decide to create your own website or online store, then you definitely need some advice on what you should do and what you shouldn’t. First of all, you need to get both a domain and a matching web hosting service that will be able to fit your needs of space and traffic. Then, and more importantly, you need to create a unique look for your website and make its design concept stand out from the crowd and attract an increasing number of visitors. Still, you probably don’t have the necessary skills to work that out by your own and so you need some professional help from web design companies. This is where Heritage Web Design comes to the scene as the ultimate website offering the best web design solutions for us! As a matter of fact, you can take a look at the portfolio available on the website above and make up your mind on how you want your own website to look like. Furthermore, if you are already wondering which the prices are, I can tell you that they start from just 199 dollars, which makes the service quite affordable for both small businesses and individuals who want to have a better design concept on their websites.
So, what are you waiting for? If you have always wanted to make your website look better and bring it to the next level, then you definitely need to have a look at the website above and see how it will come in handy!
Thinking about the upcoming holiday season...

Would you like to have the opportunity of gtting the best deals when it comes the time to enjoy our holidays? Well, I have recently came across the one below and I am sure that it will get your attention!
Pensacola, Fla., from $69 per room per night
Pensacola Beach will be hopping during the holidays. The most popular event will probably be a contest for the boat with the best electric-light decorations. (Details for this and other events are listed here.) The Days Inn Pensacola Beachfront has rooms for $69 a night during the holidays, with breakfasts included. Upgrade to a beach view for $20 more per room per night.
When: Through Dec. 31, 2008.
Details: Does not include taxes of 12 percent. Based on single or double occupancy. Ask for the Season Your Holidays special rate.
Nov 25, 2008
Redecorating your house with new ceiling fans
While I am always traveling the world, I often collect some great ideas to redesign my house with a better look or a whole new concept for its decoration. In fact, as you know more and more places, you will get more and more knowledge about all the possibilities for you to work out in your house…
Keeping this in mind, I think that ceiling fans are probably one of the most important components in the concept of your house and it is often very difficult to find a good place where we can have a decent range to choose from! Still, that is something that is going to change as soon as you have a look at these Contemporary Style Ceiling Fans, available for the best prices in the market! Moreover, if you want to buy another style like the famous Hugger Style Ceiling Fan or any other type of Decorative Style Ceiling Fans, then you definitely need to have a look at the website above, where you will be given the chance to buy from an incredible range of ceiling fans and with prices that will surely impress you, allowing you to make major savings.
Personally, I find the website extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. Still, I think that the images could have a better quality and could also be bigger, making it even more clear that these ceiling fans really are high quality! Another feature that I liked was the search tool by manufacturer as it makes possible that we start the selection process with more precision, from the beginning.
The GPS system can lead to dangerous places...

While most people seem to be willing to buy a new GPS every now and then, the truth is that GPS system can often drive you to dangerous places as you can see from the story below:
Three Norwegian tourists came under fire and one was shot after the satellite navigation system in their car guided them straight into one of Rio de Janeiro's most dangerous slums.
The three men cut short their vacation in Brazil and headed home Monday after Trygve Killingtveit, 24, was shot in the shoulder by suspected drug traffickers from one of the gangs that control hundreds of shantytowns in Rio.
The tourists were returning from the beach resort of Buzios about three hours north of Rio Saturday when they got lost, Brazil's Globo TV and several newspapers reported.
A new website to find all the latest news around our society
Deeply embedded in our society is the desire of being the first one to know everything about the latest news on the world. Keeping this in mind, people often tend to buy monthly tabloids and other magazines which aren’t properly very up-to-date by the time they come out to the shops, right?
As a matter of fact, if you really want to know everything about the latest Live Sports News and the Latest Celebrity News, then you definitely need to visit with your own Clearwire broadband connection and in just a few minutes, you will know everything you need about the latest developments in every sector of our society and living!
Personally, I find the website extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it possible for me to take the most out of my surfing experience on the website. Moreover, the concept of the design is also stunning and it definitely causes an impression when you first visit it! Still, I don’t particularly like the big ad space just on the top of the page as it is given too much importance, making many visitors think that the website is just based on advertising profit.. Anyway, the radio is also one of the features that I have loved because it makes us able to read the latest news of the day while also listening to the music that we love! What else could we ask for?
Preparing the most tasty turkey for the Thanksgiving day!

Just as you know, Thanksgiving is by the corner and we are still struggling to get the best turkey meals to celebrate the date! So, do you think that you already know the best recipes?
Deep-fried turkey, invented in Louisiana, has gained popularity throughout the United States, but it remains rare on menus. Brooklyn may be far away from Cajun country, a restaurant and caterer in the borough's Clinton Hill neighborhood, deep-fries its birds year-round. Varieties include the Jamaican Jerk, the Cajun, and the Mexican Mole. Its takeout and delivery business naturally gets a huge boost around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Whole turkeys, most of which cost $54 the rest of the year, cost $76 around these holidays, but that doesn't prevent long lines from forming outside the small storefront.
Another Cajun turkey treatment—the deboned turkey, duck, and chicken dish called turducken—can be obtained at the restaurant of the man who may or may not have invented it (accounts vary), but who definitely introduced it to the rest of the nation: Paul Prudhomme. His K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen, in New Orleans's French Quarter, serves this singular dish every year on Thanksgiving Eve for $15 (the restaurant is closed on the holiday itself).
Bringing your business to a whole new level...
Just as you know, even though the US economy is not doing very well at the moment, the truth is that this is one of the best moments to bring your company to the next level! I mean, if you add brand new features to your business, you are likely to profit much more with it. Moreover, knowing the current financial trends, if you make major profit during this crisis period, then when the economy recovers again, you will easily beat your competitors!
Anyway, you probably don’t have the financial stability to make a major investment right now and that’s exactly where a business loan will come to the scene as the ultimate solution. In fact, with the help of that loan, you can easily get the important feature of accept credit cards online and by phone, to be added to your business. Furthermore, if you have a look at the website to which I linked above, you will easily notice that the company will give you a one month free trial, very low rates and more importantly, the chance to cancel the service anytime, meaning that you won’t have to sign any contract…
A new cruise that can make your dreams come true...

The dictionary description of solstice is the precise moment that the sun is the farthest North or South of the equator. The aptly named Celebrity Solstice is one ship that is so innovative it is truly light years ahead of the cruise ship pack.
Celebrity Cruises has not launched a new ship since 2002 — and with the new Solstice, they appear to have gotten it right. This ship takes the best of the line’s popular Millennium-class vessels and has incorporated some unique interior design.
Carrying 2,850-passengers, the 122,000-ton Solstice is the first in a series of five “Solstice-class” ships. The vessel offers a number of seagoing firsts: a half-acre Lawn Club with real grass and full-time groundskeeper and the Hot Glass Show presented in collaboration with The Corning Museum of Glass.
Nov 22, 2008
Christmas is by the corner and there are still children who don't know what it is all about
Press Release:
The landfill in Payatas, The Philippines, is notoriously known the world over as Smokey Mountain. For over 35 years, the smoking dump site has grown to become a stark and heart-tugging reminder of the desperate onditions of humanity.
On a daily basis, children pick through newly arrived garbage to
collect material to sell. The earnings made by one child are not enough to even buy food for the day. Hence, entire families are forced to climb the mountain each day, hoping to earn enough to feed everyone. Children as young as four years old are forced to work in this daily struggle for survival.
In response to the plight of these children, is working with Lighthouse Center For Children Foundation to bring a little cheer to the children this Christmas. has kicked off with a cash sponsorship of USD 10,000 to enable the children to celebrate Christmas. FusionExcel International has also pitched in a USD 5,000 in cash sponsorship. The money raised
will help fund the projects already in place, and help fund additional projects aimed at providing better housing, and a means of livelihood for the Payatas community.
It is hoped that by creating better awareness to the plight of these children, more support can be garnered towards their betterment. Together we can bury poverty!
My post:
Even though we may think that Christmas is a synonym of gifts and amazing moments for everyone in the family, the truth is that there is an increasing number of children living in Payatas, Philippines, who are just too far away from having the possibility of experiencing the Christmas that we will have!
Keeping this in mind, it’s mandatory that we do something about this situation and make a donation for the Christmas For Payatas. As a matter of fact, the charity appeal that you will find on the website above is already being supported by famous actors and other celebrities who are already supporting this cause too…
So, why should we let these children continue to work around the dump site without the possibility of knowing what Christmas is all about? It’s about time that we all do something about it, right?
Lucky woman is not worrying about the economy now...

A 24-year-old woman, on her first trip to Las Vegas, is worrying less about the nation's economy. That's because Jessica Agbunag won $2.4 million on Wednesday at a Wheel of Fortune slot machine at the California Hotel and Casino.
Agbunag, a baby sitter who graduated high school in 2002, was in Las Vegas with her boyfriend and family in remembrance of her grandmother's birthday. Her grandmother was a frequent visitor to Las Vegas who loved slot machines.
The Wheel of Fortune machines were good to Agbunag.
Nov 21, 2008
Fighting our debt problems
Just as you know, the US economy is no as healthy as it used to be in the past and that’s one of the main reasons why most American citizens are now facing some financial problems on their households!
Keeping this in mind, it’s normal that we all end up wondering who we can call for help and who will be willing to give us effective solutions when we face debt consolidation problems. As a matter of fact, Debt Counseling and debt analysis can be even more important than the credit itself! I mean, if you don’t get useful and professional advice from experienced people who know your specific case in detail, then you may end up getting a debt solution that doesn’t fit your needs…
So, whenever you find yourself in a situation where you need some debt counseling and help, then you definitely need to have a look at the website above and ask for help as soon as possible! I am sure that you will be extremely satisfied with your results and that you will witness the importance of this one of a kind website.
Good news for obese people...

Just as you know, obese people tend to need more room than most people, right? Well, that's exactly what the Supreme Court of Canada ruled yesterday!
Obese people have the right to two seats for the price of one on flights within Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Thursday.
The high court declined to hear an appeal by Canadian airlines of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency that people who are "functionally disabled by obesity" deserve to have two seats for one fare.
The airlines had lost an appeal at the Federal Court of Appeal in May and had sought to launch a fresh appeal at the Supreme Court. The court's decision not to hear a new appeal means the one-person-one-fare policy stands.
Have you ever had problems with black mold removal?
As you surely know from your own experience or from what your friends told you, the truth is that many American houses face mold and fungus problems at a certain time… In fact, most people just tend to panic and end up not knowing what to do or who they can call but that’s something that will change as you read further.
Whenever you end up in a situation where you need to get some black mold removal assistance from professionals, I would definitely advise you to call Water Restoration 911, Inc on their 24 hours hotline that you can easily get on the website above. Moreover, they can also handle toxic materials, dispose waste, repair moisture problems and ultimately eliminate all the health risk caused by the black mold or any similar problem…
So, what are you waiting for? If you face this kind of problem regularly or if you believe that it will come in handy, just have a look at the website above and read more about this helpful company that can really help us with their experience!
Prepare yourself for the upcoming ski season!

As you know, the world is getting hotter by the day but does that really affect the way we look at the ski season and the cold mountains?
Wondering about winter weather and the prognosis for the slopes?
You could consult the Farmers’ Almanac, which is predicting colder-than-average temperatures over much of the country, or the folks at the National Weather Service, who are calling for just the opposite. You could even confer with the nearest woolly bear caterpillar, but apparently they’re not talking.
Me? I’m going with the huckleberries growing around Whitewater Winter Resort, near Nelson, B.C., earlier this fall. “They were hanging thick and heavy,” says Marketing Manager Anne Pigeon, “and that means it’s going to be a good snow year.”
Getting important certificates to be promoted in the company
Just as you know, life isn’t only about travels and enjoying the new places to where we go, right? Well, our jobs also play a very important role when it comes the time to save some money in order to buy the things that we love and prepare some special vacations in the future!
Keeping this in mind, it’s normal that the marketplace has now much more competition than what it used to, and so it makes absolutely mandatory that we, employees, have as much experience and IT certificated courses as possible! This is the only way that allows us to be up-to-date with the latest needs of the company where we work and so get promoted over the time… As a matter of fact, I was once asked to have a new and certified Microsoft Course when I tried to get promoted in the company and I was lucky to have one certificate already! Therefore, why don’t you have a look at these IT trainings and certifications available on the website above? I am sure that you know the advantages of having these in your curriculum.
Do you love the biggest parties in the world?

Just as you know, Dubai is probably the country in the world that is developing the most these days... In fact, the developers are throwing away millions of dollars just to celebrate the new Hotels that are appearing these days!
Dubai developers threw a $20 million party Thursday complete with Hollywood celebrities Robert DeNiro and Charlize Theron and fireworks that lit up the evening sky.
The party, which was headlined by Australian pop star Kylie Minogue in her Middle East debut, was to celebrate a new $1.5 billion marine-themed resort built off the Gulf coast on an artificial island shaped like a palm tree.
Celebrities and stars such as Michael Jordan, Lindsay Lohan, Wesley Snipes, Mary Kate Olsen, Shirley Bassey and others were on hand for the festivities.
Nov 20, 2008
A special travel to India, a few years ago...
Just as most travelers in the world, I have also had many troubles while trying to keep in touch with my family when I go to some of the most historical places the world… I mean, communications are extremely good in the biggest countries in the world but when you pick a destination right on the top of a mountain, then you can believe me that you won’t easily contact your family.
Moreover, communications tend to be extremely expensive when you use the regular phone cards from the companies in your country and that’s exactly why you must always look for the best solutions on phone cards, depending on the country that you pick as your destination! Personally, I once traveled to India and my girlfriend was really jealous about the idea of seeing me traveling to a country with so many beautiful women like India! Strangely enough, it seemed that my phone card from the US wasn’t working properly and even when it did, it seemed that I was paying a small fortune for just a few minutes of conversation! Fortunately, I found these India phone cards after a friend of mine told me about that website and it really made the difference! I wonder what my girlfriend could have done if I wasn’t calling her all the time...
A miraculous event at sky-high

Finnair says a Swedish woman gave birth to a girl 33,000 feet (11,000 meters) over Kazakhstan on a flight from Bangkok to Helsinki.
The Finnish national carrier's spokesman Christer Haglund says mother and baby are fine. They were met at the airport by a medical team.
Two doctors and two nurses were among the 227 passengers on the 11-hour flight aboard the MD-11 aircraft. They assisted the birth Thursday with the aid of a satellite link to a medical service.
Buying some special clothes to make you feel like a hero!
Even though I have never tried to be part of the army, the truth is that I have always admired the courage of everyone who dies while trying to defend our country and its causes! I mean, I am a bit too lazy to be part of such a strong team!
Anyway, I have always wanted to feel like a real volunteer on the army and so when I got the possibility of buying Under Armour Clothing online, I was extremely excited about it! In fact, after I bought the clothes, I was able to witness how the navy feels while they are wearing their characteristically clothes…
So, would you also like to have some special clothes just like the army does? If that’s the case, you definitely need to have a look at the website above where you will be able to get a free 15 dollars gift card when you purchase over 100 dollars! What are you waiting for?
Do you love history museums?

Do you really think that in the US, we already have enough history museums? Well, our president has just done something for us...
The Star-Spangled Banner is so threadbare you can see through tattered sections of its bold stripes and bright stars to the table on which it rests at the overhauled National Museum of American History opening this week.
The museum, which draws millions of visitors, has been closed for more than two years while it underwent an $85 million facelift. It will reopen to the public Friday with a three-day festival.
Once overlooked by some visitors as it hung near the museum entrance, the nearly 200-year-old flag that inspired the words of the national anthem is now the centerpiece of the reinvented museum. The flag gallery's carefully controlled climate will help preserve the fragile fabric that has deteriorated over time.
Nov 19, 2008
Recovering from bad experiences when you go camping
Just as you probably know, a big part of the lives of travelers is about dangerous sports and walks in the mountains, right? Well, the truth is that you don’t need to take it that extreme to end up facing yourself in a situation where you also need some professional assistance.
As a matter of fact, when you go camping with your family, you can easily discover that head lice can easily be a reality in someone belonging to your household! So, where can you do the head lice treatment? I would simply say that if you live in Los Angeles, then you can do it at home with the help of professionals, making it possible for you to simply remain at home while your problem is not fully resolved. In order to know more about this service, you can both visit the website above or call (310) 880-5103 to make an appointment…
The new concept of visa-free travels...

When you think about your travels, doesn't the concept of Visa-free flights come to your mind?
The first of many South Korean tourists arrived in Hawaii on Monday under a new program that allows them to enter the United States without visas.
About 800,000 Koreans visit the U.S. each year, and that number could double in 2009 because of the new program, said Austin Kang, co-chair of the Korean Visa Waiver Committee.
In Hawaii, the number of South Korean tourists could double to 80,000 next year and quadruple to 160,000 by 2010, Kang said.
Preparing your next holidays in advance!
Keeping this in mind, next time you travel and you carry your eyeglasses with you, you should definitely consider the possibility of getting your new Holiday frames so that you can look better and, at the same time, ready to enjoy your vacation! In fact, isn’t that what a trip is all about?
Personally, when it comes the time to choose my new eyeglasses for my upcoming holidays, I will be visiting website and completing my order in just a few minutes! Moreover, I will be able to save a lot of money by choosing because when you compare their prices with street prices, you will easily see that there is a huge potential of making a major save with your new eyeglasses! Anyway, I have already picked up my favorite Holiday eyeglasses which I will be buying soon and which you can see on the picture just below:
So, why don’t you also get some new eyeglasses to bring some new color and imagination to your life? I mean, you really need to feel the vibe when you go on holidays and if you have some proper eyeglasses, it will be easier for you!
Best aquariums in the world are in the US!

Coming face-to-face with sharks, wandering through oceanic gardens teeming with coral and watching stingrays glide beneath your feet may lead you to believe you’re underwater. But inside Chicago’s awe-inspiring Shed Aquarium, you can experience the wonders of marine life right in the Midwest, without ever setting foot in the sea.
As one of America’s most captivating aquariums, Shedd captures the magic of aquatic life with exhibits that showcase everything from Amazonian anacondas and piranhas to a Caribbean Reef exhibit teeming with moray eels and green sea turtles. The Aquarium also does its part to educate visitors with activities such as the high school lake ecology program, which introduces students to the underwater habitats of Lake Michigan.
While aquariums have long been a great source of entertainment for Americans, these days there’s oceans more to see than animal trainers dancing with killer whales. A number of sophisticated aquariums have developed programs and exhibits that cater to eco-conscious travelers.
Would you like to buy gerald genta mens watches for the best prices ever?
Even knowing that traveling the world with valuable items can be dangerous, the truth is that I am one of those gentlemen who simply cannot live without a classic watch that can really show my position on the society! In fact, as I have always loved luxury watches like the ones by Cartier, Movado, Breitling amongst many others…
Anyway, the watch that I have ended up buying when I graduated was from one of the most well-known brands in the world: Gerald Genta, and that watch has been with me for a long time now! So, would you also like to get gerald genta mens watches for the best prices? If that’s the case, then you definitely need to have a look at the website above, where I was also able to find the stunning watch that you can see just below:
So, why don’t you also take some time to visit the website above to see the wide range of watches available for both men and women by the best brands and up to 80% normal retail price? I mean, there is such an incredible collection on the website for unbelievable prices, making it possible for you to discover that when you buy a luxury watch such as the above by Gerald Genta, you will then witness that once you buy such a special piece, you won’t ever forget the moments that you are going to pass with that watch guiding you trough the times!
have you learned the lesson from your past experiences?

Don't you have any bad experience with traffic jams when you decide to travel around the US? Well, just remember those and I hope you get the lesson...
You can’t talk about the worst holiday travel experiences without mentioning the movie “Planes, Trains & Automobiles.”
The 1987 comedy, starring Steve Martin and John Candy, is about one frazzled business traveler’s struggle to get home in time for Thanksgiving. It’s a textbook holiday travel nightmare, featuring snowstorms, flight diversions and almost every imaginable delay.
Art has a way of imitating life. Or is it the other way around?
Nov 18, 2008
Sharing your own experiences on your own website
As you know, a big part of the human life is about sharing opinions, experiences and advice with everyone, right? If you are also share this view, then you definitely need to create your own website where you also start to share everything with every single Internet user that may come by your website…
But how can you get started with this? Firstly, I would say that it’s extremely important that you get a domain that really matches the overall theme of your website, which you can easily buy around the Internet. Far more important than the domain itself, is the web hosting solution that you choose for your website as it will determinate if your visitors can really load your website quickly or not, if you can store more or less pictures, if your website can handle more or less traffic, amongst many other features. So, you probably ask yourself where you can get the needed advice to get started and that’s exactly where these useful and detailed web hosting reviews come to the scene as the ultimate way of finding the perfect match between your needs and the amount that you will be paying for your web hosting plan. In fact, the website above won’t provide you any web hosting solution but the latest reviews and updates around the web hosting scene, giving you the guidance that you need to start your own website!
Australia expects to boost tourism this year...

Amid a blaze of publicity, Australia rolls out its most expensive ever movie on Tuesday, hoping the grandly named epic "Australia" will attract overseas investors to revive the local film industry and also tourists.
Billed as a cross between "Out Of Africa" and "Gone With The Wind," the nearly three-hour romantic adventure with home-grown Hollywood stars Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman is reported to have cost Rupert Murdoch's 20th Century Fox about $130 million.
"Australia" is a World War II drama about an English aristocrat who travels to Australia and joins forces with a cattle "drover" or cowboy and an Aboriginal child to drive a herd of cattle across the stunning, rugged Australian landscape.
Creating your own website...
Even though I am quite sure that I always give honest and independent opinions about what is going on our world when it comes the time to travel, the truth is that you could probably do a better job than me! I mean, you could share your own experiences, thoughts, advice, reviews or whatever you like. But what do you need in order to get your own website and reach the Internet users?
Firstly, you need a domain which you can easily get for free while you are still starting your project but more importantly, then you need to get yourself a resourceful web hosting solution that will definitely match your needs as a webmaster, in what relates to web traffic, disk space and all the other technical components that you need to get familiar with. So, where can you get that information? Personally, I would recommend you to have a look at this web hosting blog where all the concepts and ideas of web hosting are fully described and explained for both advanced and beginner users. As a matter of fact, when you decide to get your own web hosting so that you can get your website showing on the search engines, you would definitely benefit with a visit to the blog above where you can get specialized and accurate advice on what you must and mustn’t do when you choose your new web hosting and how you can make all the needed configurations and tweaking when it comes the time to bring your website to the next level! So, why don’t you take some time to visit this useful web hosting blog?
Less people going on holidays

Now that the US is facing some financial difficulties, how do you expect it to menace our holidays?
Travel over the Thanksgiving holiday will drop for the first time in six years due to the economic slowdown and fewer airline flights, the auto club AAA forecast on Tuesday.
The travel club says 41 million Americans will travel at least 50 miles from home. That’s down from 41.6 million last year.
AAA President Robert L. Darbelnet said the economy makes Thanksgiving travel a challenge for some Americans, but they’ll get help from the recent decline in gasoline prices, which have tumbled from their summertime highs.
Nov 17, 2008
Taking our research with a different approach...
Even if we may want to travel all the year, the truth is that life is not only about pleasure and joy over the year, right?
Keeping this in mind, we must be also extremely focused on our work and always do our best to achieve the best result possible with our research! As a matter of fact, I used to have my own lab when I was younger and studying chemistry at university but I could never take my research to a whole new level because I simply didn’t have the needed facilities to do so! So, do you also think that you could do better with some new and modern Lab Furniture? Then you definitely need to have a look at the link above and witness how all that furniture will come in handy for your research!
Why don't you try a new sport?

When you think about your future travels, do you consider a new and more dangerous sport than what you are used to?
It takes nerves of steel to ride India’s Wall of Death. In fact, it takes gumption just to watch cars and motorcycles swirling on the walls of a 30-foot diameter, near-vertical barrel. For the drivers, it’s a chance at fame and fortune—this sport carries a huge amount of status in places like Srinagar, Kashmir, where career opportunities are few and far between. So when the chance arises, drivers rev their vehicles, accelerating and climbing the wall until they’re roaring just inches away from the cheering crowd’s faces.
The Wall of Death and other wacky, local sports transport you inside a culture faster than any museum tour. In this case, you’ll get a taste of the chaos and passion that makes India so exhilarating. Of course, not all wacky sports are so death-defying, but they still garner a ton of enthusiasm. Why? “Elite sports are unattainable for many people,” muses sports organizer Sheelagh Tompkins. But with local sports, she says, “There’s always the chance to come away with a world championship.”
Tompkins, it turns out, organizes a world-championship swimming event in Wales that has taken place every year for 23 years: bog snorkeling. Swimming through a stinking marsh the texture of pea soup might seem unconventional, but it gives the 170 mere mortals who participate every year a chance at stardom—no matter how provincial.
Nov 16, 2008
Saving some extra money for the next trips...
Just as you know from your experience and from what you hear on the news, the Us economy is facing some quite difficult times when it comes to financial stability and that may lead us all consumers to lose too much financial power!
Keeping this in mind, it’s important that we save as much as possible! So, what do you think about the idea of paying just 15 dollars for your eyeglasses instead of the hundreds that you normally pay? Well, that’s something that attracts our attention definitely and it is so possible that you can witness it in just a few seconds, after you visit the link above…
As a matter of fact, you will get free shipping for anywhere in the world as long as you order more than one pair, delivery is super fast and there are dozens of stylish eyeglasses for you to choose from at the distance of a click! So, what are you waiting for? Just take some time to check the website above and I am sure that in a matter of minutes you will be already checking out and paying for the eyeglasses that will allow you to save a lot of money while also granting you the highest quality in the market!
Thanksgiving day is right by the corner...

Just as you know, Thanksgiving day can be quite boring, so why don't we pick a foreign destination to celebrate it?
We’ve come up with a cornucopia of travel ideas on where to spend Thanksgiving. Sure, we cover the obvious — after all, no list would be complete without a nod to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade or the site of the 1620 pilgrim landing — but we also favor less traditional destinations, from lush islands and beach spots to desert landscapes and ski slopes. Plus, with fares so low to Europe at this time of year, we'd be remiss not to pick at least one European capital; our preferred city is known for its terrific beer and French fries, although you'll be hard-pressed to find football on television (American football, that is). We've even recommended a jaunt on the high seas, since we figure there's no better tribute to the adventuresome spirit of the pilgrim pioneers than by making your own transatlantic trek; bring your family along for the fun and enjoy the best of Thanksgiving!
1. Aruba
Granted, there’s not much of a connection between Thanksgiving and this Dutch-owned Caribbean isle, but it’s certain that giving thanks for all of life’s little pleasures is made infinitely more effortless when kicking back on the turquoise shores of tropical paradise. Boasting glorious weather nearly year round (Aruba is safely situated south of the tropical-storm belt), basking on the powdery white sand beaches needn’t be interrupted, unless, of course the activities of this tiny 20-mile long island should lure you away. Watersports abound, as do opportunities to explore surreal desert island landscapes where cacti and iguanas compose an exotic landscape — head out on foot, jeep, or by ATV. All-inclusive, luxurious resorts line the shores, diverse culinary fare is served up in numerous restaurants, and superb shopping opportunities abound. Casinos, bars, clubs, and assorted evening extravaganzas animate the night, while glorious sunrises give an incentive to party until dawn.
2. Brussels
Sure, you could be content scarfing down your traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all its trimmings, from turkey to Brussels sprouts, or you could sprout a plan for something a little bit different this year and actually head off to Brussels instead. With just over seven hours of flight time between the Belgian capital and the East Coast, Brussels makes for a feasible long-weekend getaway. Plus, this gastronomic paradise assures you needn’t forgo the feasting — just trade in the turkey and eggnog for moules-frites (mussels and French fries) and any one of several hundred delectably brewed Belgian beers instead. Or, give in to the whims of tradition and hunt down one of the restaurants where many ex-pats gather for the holiday — the American Club of Brussels, for one, hosts an annual Thanksgiving dinner. Best of all, when you’re not chowing down, you can explore a charming city of cobbled streets and historic squares drenched in European tradition — with the magnificent Grand Place as its focal point and dozens of unique museums, you’ll be giving thanks for treating yourself to the trip.
Nov 15, 2008
Bringing your online store to the next level...
As you know, the world is always evolving and every company or business must keep side by side with that evolution… Keeping this in mind, if you have your own business or store, you have probably already brought it online and you are already profiting with that. But, have you ever considered boosting your sales and the number of visitors that your website attracts?
Personally, as a webmaster I have always trusted PPC technologies to bring many visitors to my stores and websites and I have always succeeded with that! Anyway, most people don’t have any idea of what PPC is all about, therefore you need to get a PPC Management service as soon as possible so that you can really boost the incoming traffic of your website! And when you decide to do that, Pepperjam is the company that will come to the scene as the best one providing that kind of service to any webmaster, no matter what is your objectives or goals in what relates to the traffic and number of visitors that you want to achieve! So, why don’t you have a look at the Pepperjam’s website?
Do you want to experience a better travel?

In 2005, acclaimed Australian film director Baz Luhrmann donned an Akubra (that’s a kind of Aussie slouch hat) and drizabone (and that’s Aussie for riding coat) and saddled up for The Great Australian Cattle Drive, joining a team of drovers and enthusiastic city slickers to push 500 head of cattle down South Australia’s dusty Birdsville Track. The golden sunrises, the stark saltbush plains and the crack of the stockwhip clearly worked its magic—inspired by the experience, Luhrmann returned to his Sydney base to pen a new script, simply entitled "Australia".
Starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman and set for worldwide release in November 2008, this epic Outback romance—the most expensive Australian movie ever made—is also the most anticipated local film in history, what Luhrmann himself calls “the Olympics of cinema.”
It’s an appropriate metaphor on many levels—in fact, Tourism Australia is pinning a whole marketing campaign on the film’s release, anticipating that it will capture what was last achieved during the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games: global attention.
Preparing the next summer!
Even though we may claim that some extra weight is never something that we should care about, the truth is that when the summer comes and we decide to go to the beaches, we will easily realize that it doesn’t really work like that and we definitely need to do something in order to do lose that extra weight! I mean, would you feel right in the beach if everyone was staring at you because of those extra calories that you have?
Keeping this in mind, it’s very important that we find ourselves the best and most reliable Diet Pills to so that we can easily make our weight loss dream come true! I am sure that it can really turn our lives completely and so I must recommend you all to visit the website above, whenever if you find yourself in a situation where you need to lose some weight to feel secure about your physical shape once again!
Do your trips give you the chance to discover new cultures?

Well, personally I think that I could do better with my trips... So, I recently read this article on and I decided to share it with you all:
Whether you're single or coupled, getting away from other people's kids can be the key to a restful vacation. Here are six fresh ideas, listed from west to east, for easy getaways where kids are less likely to be around. Try a getaway with a steady buzz
The concept: Stay at a coffee plantation on the Big Island.
Where: Kona, Hawaii.
Chances you'll see a child: Slim. The five-room Ka'awa Loa Plantation discourages parents from bringing kids; most visitors are couples or single travelers. In the rare cases when this B&B accepts a family with children, it places them in a separated cottage or in the upper suite, which has no guest rooms above or below it. As for the coffee plantation tour, few parents are likely to drag their kids there.
Cost: Doubles from $125 a night, with a minimum two-night stay. Breakfast is included.
The trip: The 20 miles of rolling hills along Kona's western coast are known as the Big Island's coffee belt. Rich volcanic soil and a continuous cloud cover make the region especially friendly to coffee beans, and about 600 local farms use that to their advantage. To get a taste, spend a few nights at the Ka'awa Loa Plantation. Located 1,200 feet above Kealakekua Bay, this B&B sits on a lush, five-acre plantation that produces coffee as well as a mouth-watering variety of tropical fruits. You'll breakfast on freshly picked dragon fruit, avocado, guava, passion fruit, and white pineapple. Sweat away your cares in a traditional outdoor Hawaiian cedar steam room. Then relax on the wraparound veranda (called a lanai) and watch the sun set over the bay.
Comparing prices to save extra money for the travels...
Just as you know, the US economy is not as healthy as it used to be and so we all don’t have as much financial power as we used to have in the past… Keeping this in mind, it is extremely important that we always do our best to get the best deals and save as much money as possible when we decide to buy something that is absolutely necessary for us and our household!
As a matter of fact, I always use this useful website by the name of when it comes the time to Compare Prices while also reading other people’s opinions about the products that I am considering to buy! So, don’t you immediately recognize that using this kind of website to get some advice, and discover where the best place to buy is, can play a very important role? Well, I am sure that you do, therefore make sure that you visit the website to which I have linked above and enjoy it!
Do you think that honeymoons are boring?

Have you ever wondered if you could make a revolution in the concept of honeymoon?
When newlyweds Dani and Rob Dario considered their honeymoon options, the thought of lying on a beach for a week never crossed their minds. “It kind of drives me nuts,” says Dani. Like many well-traveled couples, they wanted to celebrate their wedding with a vacation that stood out from the exotic locales they had already visited.
They decided to travel through Vietnam, Cambodia and Borneo, where they marked their union (somewhat painfully) with a traditional hand-tapped tattoo, applied using sharpened shells by the grandson of the last remaining headhunter Ernesto Kalum. “My design is a binjal flower and Rob’s is a double dog. The rhythm of the tapping tended to mask the pain,” the new bride explains.
Nov 14, 2008
Some serious problems found at Dallas airport....
Just as you know, we often find some extra problems at the airports when we take a deeper look, right? Well, that was exaclty what happened yesterday, it seems...
A Transportation Department investigation has confirmed that Federal Aviation Administration officials covered up safety errors at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.
A spokeswoman for the department's inspector general says a report of the investigation's findings should be released Friday. She confirmed the general findings as outlined in documents released late Thursday by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.
The report was requested by the Special Counsel, which says in a letter to the White House that FAA managers at the Texas airport misclassified air traffic problems as being caused by pilots in an attempt to shift blame away from air traffic controllers.
Nov 13, 2008
An helpful website for any blogger...
Keeping this in mind, I have recently found this very special website where you can easily upload your blog pictures without the need of downloading anything or resizing. Could it be easier that this? Well, I don’t think so and I believe that after I registered that, I will only benefit with that major decision in my life as a blogger… So, why don’t you also follow my example and start to take full advantage of this useful and completely free service? I am sure that you won’t regret it and that it will definitely come in handy in your blogging life… In fact, just see the picture below which was hosted on that was extremely easy to add to this blog post, taking it as an example of what you can also do with your blog and your images...